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:: Volume 5, Issue 3 And 4 (1-2017) ::
مدیریت پرستاری 2017, 5(3 And 4): 71-79 Back to browse issues page
The effects of job security on nursesʼ burnout syndrome
Hossein Samadi Miarkolaei , Seyedeh Zahra Hosseini , Hamzeh Samadi Miarkolaei# *
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Department of Public Administration, Tehran, Iran , hamzeh_samadi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7205 Views)
Introduction: Today, nurses in comparison to other organizational staff experience a high level of burnout. One of the factors
affecting the level of the disturbances in nurses is their job
Aim: This study was done to assessing the effects of job
security on burnout syndrome among nurses who employed in Imam Khomeini hospital in Noor city.
Method: This study was descriptive- correlation that theoretical model and hypotheses were tested by structural equation modeling (ESM). For data gathering was used two questionnaires; job security with the reliability of (0.86), and job burnout with the reliability of (0.91). Samples were selected randomly and it size was estimated by Cochran formula (96) who were employed in Emam Khomeini
hospital in Noor city. Data were analyzed by Pearson’s coefficient (by SPSS) and structural equation modeling(ESM) by LISREL.
Results: The results showed a significant inverse relationship between job security and burnout and its components in among nurses (P=001/0). Also, Structural equation modeling (ESM) analysis confirmed the causal and reverses the effects of job
security on burnout (and all components) of nurses (T ≤ -1.96).
Conclusion: In order to findings recommends to nurse managers and other hospital administrators to reduce job burnout of nurses they focus their plans to improve the nurses’ job security.
Keywords: job burnout, job security, nurses
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2016/01/27 | Accepted: 2017/09/16 | Published: 2017/10/22
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Samadi Miarkolaei H, Hosseini S Z, Samadi Miarkolaei# H. The effects of job security on nursesʼ burnout syndrome. مدیریت پرستاری 2017; 5 (3 and 4) :71-79
URL: http://ijnv.ir/article-1-392-en.html

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