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:: Volume 13, Issue 2 (Summer 2024) ::
مدیریت پرستاری 2024, 13(2): 1-2 Back to browse issues page
Clinical management of fall self-efficacy, self-care and quality of life of older adults based on the 5A model: study protocol of a parallel randomized clinical trial
Ermia Maghsoodloo1 , Hossein Ebrahimi2 , Shahrbanoo Goli3 , Homeira Khoddam4 , Ali Dadgari *
1- ermiamaghsoodloo@gmail.com
2- h_ebrahimi43@yahoo.com
3- goli_shr@yahoo.com
4- hkhoddam@gmail.com
Assistant Professor, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, adadgari@yahoo.com , adadgari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (431 Views)
Introduction: With increasing age and weakening of physical abilities, the fear of falling increases in older adults. This fear affects their quality of life and limits their daily activities. Self-care is considered an effective factor for maintaining health and improving the quality of life of older adults. This research aims to determine the effect of empowerment based on the 5A model on the clinical management of fall self-efficacy, self-care, and quality of life of older adults.
Materials and methods: The current research is a parallel randomized clinical trial study and the research population includes 110 elderly people over 65 years of age in the city of Gorgan who are selected by sequential sampling method and are allocated to two groups of control and intervention by four blocks. The control group receives the routine care of the comprehensive health service centers, and in the intervention group, empowerment based on the 5A model is done within 12 weeks. 5A Model has 5 steps which include: (Assess, Advice, Agree, Assist, Arrange). The data collection tool include the demographic information form and the Activities-specific Balance confidence scale, WHO-5 Well-Being and elderly self-care questionnaires, which are completed once before random allocation and then after the twelfth week by a person who is not aware of the groups. Data are analyzed using chi-square, Fisher's exact, and independent t-Tests.
Discussion: In this research, we expect that after the implementation of the 5A model, the fall self-efficacy, self-care, and the quality of life of older adults will increase. The results of this trial will provide new information related to the effect of empowerment based on the 5A model to manage the fall self-efficacy, self-care and quality of life of older adults.
Keywords: fear of falling, fall self-efficacy, self-care, quality of life, older adults, 5A self-management model
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/10/28 | Accepted: 2024/12/5 | Published: 2024/12/30
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Maghsoodloo E, Ebrahimi H, Goli S, Khoddam H, Dadgari A. Clinical management of fall self-efficacy, self-care and quality of life of older adults based on the 5A model: study protocol of a parallel randomized clinical trial. مدیریت پرستاری 2024; 13 (2) :1-2
URL: http://ijnv.ir/article-1-1109-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 2 (Summer 2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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