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Showing 1 results for Sarvari

Mohammad Reza Raazm Ara, Mohammadreza Jani , Asiyeg Moudi, Mohammadhadi Sarvari, Zhara Drogar, Hamidreza Zolfaghri, Ebrahim Rahmani Moghadam,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Introduction: Throughout the world, patient safety, which is preventing any accidental injury to the patient during providing the care, is one of the main concerns of all the health system. The behavior and decisions of the health system staff, including those involved in managerial and clinical settings can highly influence in patient safety.
Aim: The study was done for prioritization of contributing factors on patient safety by analytical hierarchy process in hospitals.
Method: In this descriptive - analytical study, total 215 nurses, physician and managers of two teaching hospitals that affiliated by Gonabad University of Medical Sciences were selected through census sampling. Prioritization of the factors affecting patient safety was done by using a questionnaire based on Vincent and the hierarchical analysis. Its internal consistency was (α= 0.76). The data were analyzed using SPSS Software and Expert Choice 11.
Results: 58% of samples were female and 81% of the them were nurse, 12% were physician and the rest were administrative staff. The participants prioritized the factors influencing patient safety according to significant coefficient as task (0.399), team (0.220), individual (0.210) hospital management (0.076), patient (0.059), and infra-hospital (0.035 There was a significant difference between the task, team, managerial hospital, and infra-hospital factors among the nurses, physicians, and managerial staff (p˂0.001). All of health care staff did not perceive latent factors in patients’ safety.
Conclusion: In order to improve patient safety we need greater attention to the latent factors. So, it is suggested that hospital administrators be held workshops to promote awareness and perception nurses, doctors and managers.

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فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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