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Showing 1 results for mazhariazad

Fereshteh Mazhariazad, Khadigeh Sharifi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (winter 2020)

Background : Nurse-physician professional communication is one of the most important factors to performance of the healthcare system and the quality of care delivered to the patient. This study aimed to conduct a review of the literature to evaluate Interdisciplinary relationship between nurses and physicians in Iran.
Methods: In this review, the articles published between 2008- 2018 were examined through PubMed, Scopus, Science Directو Google Scholar, SID, MagIran. The search was done in both Persian and English languages. For this purpose, the keywords of professional relationships, collaboration, participation, nurses and doctors in Persian sources and interdisciplinary relations, cooperation, relationships, and Doctors physicians were determined in English sources using MESH. Research in Iran was the main criterion for entering the study. After evaluating the entry criteria and quality of articles, 13 eligible studies were recognized and entered into the study.
Results: The results showed that 61.53% of the studies reported good communication between nurses and physicians and 38.5% reported moderate levels of communication. Gender, work experience, type of department, inadequate understanding of communication patterns and acceptance of the role of physicianschr('39') domination are among the factors influencing communication between the professions of doctors and nurses.
Conclusion: In order to improve the professional communication between physicians and nurses, changes need to be made, including greater attention to professional roles and nurseschr('39') autonomy, the inclusion of professional courses in medical and nursing curriculum, and the creation of work team spirit in physicians and nurses.

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فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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