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Showing 2 results for Organizational Ethics
Fatemeh Jahanshahi, Morteza Ghasemi, Elaheh Etezadi, Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Introduction: The main purpose of this study was to identify and determine moral virtue indicators in clinical centers and to examine their impact on quality and treatment care, as well as the to rank identified moral virtue indicators.
Methods: The research method is analytical descriptive. The statistical population was 200 experts and medical specialists. The sample size was 131 people. Moral virtue dimensions were determined by Delphi method using the experiences of experts. Using SPSS and LISREL software, two types of descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyze the data. Path analysis method was used to investigate the impacts of the moral virtue dimensions on the performance of medical centers and ANP network analysis process and Super Decision software were used also to determine the coefficients of importance of each of the indicators and dimensions of moral virtue.
Results: The criteria were identified from the literature of previous research and studies and interviews with experts. In order to optimize the data analysis process and to select the most important criteria to enter the analysis process, the factors in each category were reviewed and the most relevant factors were specified. Considering the fact that the t-statistic between the variables of health and treatment services and all indicators of employee ethics is greater than the value (1.96), the relationship between the quality of health services and all indicators of employee ethics became significant at 99%. The findings showed that the moral virtues of the staff at medical centers affected the quality of services. According to the analysis, the criteria of the patient honor group (C3) had the highest role and in terms of importance, they held the most important category of criteria in the moral virtue indicators in clinical centers.
Conclusions: The spiritual and responsible behavior of nurses with patients has been found to have an effective role in improving and restoring their health, so the nursing profession is based on ethics. Therefore, observing ethical virtues in nursing practices is more sensitive and important than other cases of care, which can also affect the quality of medical services.
Amir Ghobadi, Hormat Sadat Emamzadeh Ghasemi, Fatemeh Hajibabaei, Arezo Hajirajbi, Parastoo Ariamlo, Volume 10, Issue 3 (11-2021)
Introduction: Organizational ethical climate is typically an organizational climate, comprising interpersonal relationships amongst treatment personnel as well as personnel’s rapport with patients and their families. Nowadays, health service providers have found a lot of complexity, various advanced equipment and the many people present in these organizations have an impact on the ethical climate of organizations. Ethical climate is considered as the personality of the organization.
Method: This research is an exploratory cross-sectional study. The research environment of units of selected hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the research population includes nurses working in intensive care units and General hospitalization. The number of samples was determined using the Morgan table, and according to the number of members of the research community, 340 were determined. Among eligible nurses in the research community, samples were selected through relative stratified random sampling method. The tool used in the present study include Olson's Ethics Climate Questionnaire (1998). Content validity questionnaire was confirmed by content validity method based on the view of 10 faculty members in the field of critical care nursing and nursing management. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Olson's Ethics Climate Questionnaire(0.89) was measured. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential tests such as Mann-Whitney U and kruskal wallis using SPSS -16 software.
Findings: The result showed; 57.1% of nurses had passed the issues of professional ethics. Mostly 5.2% had more than working hours in one or more hospitals, 62.2% had executive responsibilities, most of them with 42.4% in the role of executive staff or second nurse, and most of them had work experience. With 42.6% was between 1 and 9 years. The test showed that the overall ethical climate with mean(3.58) was relatively positive. The most favorable climate was found among the peers and manager with means 4/143 and 3/918. Patient, hospital and physicians have relativly desirable.The results of statistical tests showed that there is a significant direct relation between the ethical climate variable with hospital characteristics and demographic characteristics (P ˂ 0.05).
Conclusion: The positive and desirable ethical climate in the peers in this research is a valuable strength that should be considered by nursing managers in the hospitals. On the other hand, due to the low mean ethical climate of patients, hospital and physicians, it is necessary for the relevant authorities to find the causes and effective factors in this field and take appropriate policies to eliminate it. The results of this study can be a guide for nursing managers in all levels of management in hospitals and by developing guidelines and strategic plans and consequently see an improvement in the level of care services.