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Showing 2 results for Mother

Mis Mansoureh Sepehri Nia, Mis Maryam Rassouli, Mis Fatemeh Alaee Karahroudi, Mr Farid Zayeri, Mis Mansoureh Zagheri Tafreshi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Introduction: Communication is one of the important task for nurses if nurses communicate between patients and their families rightly, it would be promoted quality of nursing care.

Aim: The aim of this study was to compare perception of nurse - mother communication between nurses and mothers of hospitalized children in 2010in teaching hospitals in Tehran.

Method: This descriptive- comparative study was done with a sample of 150 mothers and 120 nurses working in pediatric medical and surgical ward at selected pediatric hospitals in Tehran. Two questionnaires “Perception of nurses of nurses- mothers’ communication” and “Perception of mothers of nurses- communication” were used which it design by Reid (2007).Their reliability were calculated by alpha chronbach (α=0.87 & 0.87) respectively and their consistency were used test and re- test and were (r=0.897 & r=0.887).

The data was analyzed using SPSS software (version 18) and statistical tests such as paired t-test, ANOVA and Spearman’s correlation. They consider at the significant level of P<0.05.

Results: Independent T test showed significant difference between perception of communication of nurses and mothers in general barriers (p= 0/032), personal relationships (p<0/001), participation
(p= 0/032) and in total (p= 0/021).

Conclusion: Based on results nurses have to educate in communication skills. Since these skills can be educated and learned, they have to be taught via nursing curriculums and continuing education courses.

Dr Mitra Zandi, Dr Zohreh Vanaki, Dr Marziyeh Shiva, Dr Eesa Mohamadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2014)

 Introduction: One of the factors affecting maternal role is access to supportive resources . In addition to the challenges of motherhood surrogacy commissioning mothers for the first time, are faced with a unique situation. But so far no study to examine the experiences of these women and how to access support resources .

  In order to identify these resources is essential for planning based on client needs and optimal use of these resources that reduce stress and hardship of the transition to motherhood .

Aim: This study has examined surrogacy commissioning mothers ' perceptions of their support systems in the process of becoming a mother .

Method: This study has been done with qualitative approach from August 2010 to Jun 2012. The method of data collection was unstructured interview and sampling was purposeful. Generally 32 interviews were done with 15 commissioning mothers with gestational surrogacy and 5 infertility centers' personnel. Environment of research was Royan Research Center in Tehran and other governmental or nongovernmental infertility centers, hospitals and clinics that have done surrogacy in Iran. Data analysis has been done by use of conventional content analysis method.

Results: During the process of content analysis, two themes was revealed that indicate the nature and dimension of commissioning mothers perception about their support resources in the process of becoming a mother. These themes was including: 1. Having the support containe of two main categories “Benefit from the support of a trusted” and “support of i nfertility centers in facilitation of motherhood process” and 2. Non- effective support containe of three main categories: “Inadequacy of organizational services”, “Lack of adequate support from husband, family and friends” and “Not percepted support”. Each one has a more sub- sub-sub- classes.

Concusion: Findings show that despite the limited resources available to support of mothers in the family and community , mothers ignore them consciously and they looking for someone who are reliable and trustworthy to help them. Awareness of mothers needs can help to managers , planners and officials , especially in infertility centers in future planning.

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فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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