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Showing 1 results for Professional Responsibilities

Rafat Rezapour Nasrabad,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Introduction: Undoubtedly create or strengthen the leadership skills in personnel to meet the future professional needs and as one of the development and professional excellence factors in complex organizations such as health care system. But create or strengthen the leadership skills in personnel need to understand the various aspects and factors affecting it.
Aim: This study designed with content analysis approach to explain the main component of leadership skills in the nursing profession.
Method: This study designed with qualitative approach and performed with conventional content analysis method. Participants in the study were successful nurses who were selected by purposive sampling and face to face semi-structured interview. In this study nineteen interviews were conducted and were analyzed after transcription. The semantic similarity was revised and subcategories were identified and then the related subcategories were put in a category in review revised.
Results: Data analysis eventually led to the extraction of 400 primary codes, 19 subcategories, 4 categories and one theme. In this study the main categories include: self-direction, capacity building for others to patterning, effective management of duties and professional responsibilities and professional socialization efforts. That sterategic professional insight was latent theme that derived from nurses’ lived experiences.
Conclusion: In order to results designing proper policies and strategies to create and strengthen of these skills in nurses should be considered. In this way improve the quality of nursing services will be provided.

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فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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