Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Kashan University of Medical Science, Kashan,Iran ,
Abstract: (406 Views)
Introduction: Incomplete nursing care affects treatment results, the quality of nurses' work, and the goals of the organization. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the studies conducted in the field of incomplete nursing care and its causes in Iran. Method: This review study examined the articles published between 1396 and 1402 from sid, magiram, google scholar, pubmed and scopuse databases in both Farsi and English languages. Keywords incomplete care, lost care, incomplete care, forgotten care, nurses, Iran were used in Persian sources and incomplete care, unfinished care, forgotten care, miss care, nursing, Iran in English sources. After evaluating the quality of articles from 28 studies, 13 articles were qualified and included in the study. Findings: The results showed that incomplete nursing care in Iran is at a higher than average level with an average between 25.66±12.59 (scale 24-96) and 82.04±8.50 in three educational fields respectively. , support and protection happens. Its causes include; Human resources (insufficient number of nurses, increase in the number of patients, lack of auxiliary or secretarial staff, incompatibility of nursing care with the duties of nurses, unusual prescription of doctors), material resources (unavailability of drugs, supplies and equipment) and communication resources. lack of support for nurses, lack of teamwork, incomplete delivery of the previous shift or sent unit, tension and poor communication with other support centers). Conclusion: Unfinished nursing care in Iran is at a higher than average level and mostly in the educational field. The most important reason is the lack of human resources and nurses. Reducing and eliminating neglected care improves the quality of care and increases patient satisfaction, so health system managers should try to reduce it as much as possible by considering the relevant causes.
sharifi K, khaloobagheri E. unfinished nursing care and its causes in Iran: a systematic review. مدیریت پرستاری 2024; 13 (2) :5-6 URL: