Associate Professor, Department of Health Services management, Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Associate Professor, Department of Health Services management, Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , 2- Department of Health Services management, Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (15601 Views)
Introduction: Employment costs payment in health care organization in order to implementation "rule of productivity promotion" would be have huge effect on hospitals when they have shortage in financial resources. Especially, economic productivity has vital role in hospitals.
Aim: Effect "rule of productivity promotion" in health system on nursing staff cost in Mahdieh hospital.
Method: This study was descriptive and in one of hospitals (Mahdieh hospital) affiliated for Medical Sciences of Shahid Beheshti University was done. It selected randomly among teaching hospitals and all of the nursing staff (181) participated in study. In their employment forms three items were assessed work hardiness, work scheduling, and employees' total received salary. This form completed in the latest 3 months in 2011. For doing t-tests and data analyzing the Spss software was used.
Results: The effect "rule of productivity promotion" in health system on nursing staff cost in Mahdieh hospital was positive (p>0.0001), (t= -8.927).On the other hand, it rule resulted to cost increased. Of course, this rule was not effect based on experiences' years (p<0.605)(t-0.518). Although staff work hardiness (p>0.001), (t=3.528) and their work scheduling (p>0.0001)(t= -14.970) resulted to increased staff cost.
Conclusion: The performing "rule of productivity promotion" in health system had positive effect on nursing staff cost and increased them. So, financial managers must be provide
funding resources before implementation of this rule.
Nasiripour A A, nayeri S M. Effect «rule of productivity promotion» in health system on nursing staff cost: a case study. مدیریت پرستاری 2014; 2 (4) :64-70 URL: