Payame Noor University, 15 khordad street- Sari , 2- 15 khordad street- Sari
Abstract: (2694 Views)
Background and Aim: It is very important to pay attention to the issues affecting how to perform tasks and improve the quality of nurses' performance. The aim of the present study is to explain the predictive role of resilience and coping styles in burnout of nurses in corona sections.
Methods: This research is descriptive and correlational. Cluster sampling in the second half of 2021 was one of the wards assigned to coronary patients in Ibn Sina Hospital was selected in District 5 Tehran city. 168 people were selected as a statistical sample. The instruments used in this study were Lazarus and Folkman (1988) Coping Strategies Questionnaire, Meslach Burnout (MBI) (1985), Connor and Davidson Resilience (CD-RISC) (2003). Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate linear regression were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that the variables of problem-oriented style (r = -0.399), emotion-oriented (r = 0.365) and resilience (r = -0.277) can significantly predict nurses' burnout. It’s estimated for both problem-oriented and resilience predictor variables and for positive emotion-oriented predictor variables.
Conclusion: High resilience and coping styles reduce the problem of burnout in nurses. Emotional coping styles are also effective in increasing burnout.
Babaie E, Ghadimi M, Ahmadi A, Golestanibakht T. The role of resilience and coping styles in predicting burnout of corona nurses in private hospitals in Tehran. مدیریت پرستاری 2022; 10 (4) :86-95 URL: