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:: Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2014) ::
مدیریت پرستاری 2014, 3(2): 70-78 Back to browse issues page
Assessing the relationship between the nurses’ self – development behavior, job motivation and it’s effective factors
Zahra Foroutani , Adel Azar1 , Aliakbar Ahmadi1 , Hossin Mobaraki * , Monireh Askarinejad1
1- Tehran,Iran
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Management Dept.,Faculty of Rehabilitation,Tehran University of Medical Sciences,General Director of human resources,Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran,Iran , hmobaraki43@tums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (14005 Views)

Introduction: Because of technology in health and treatment
domain is changing rapidly so, it is resulted that nurses increase and update their skills, continually. Since, one of the effective factors in job
behavior is motivation it is obvious that reorganization effective factors on
motivation would be useful for nurses’ self – development behaviors.

Aim: The aim of this study was assessing the relationship between the nurses’ self – development behavior, job motivation and factors
influencing on their motivation.

Method: This study was a descriptive-survey which (949)
nurses who worked in hospitals in Tehran city were selected
randomly in (2012). Cluster sampling was used with proportional
allocation and Morgan method used for sample size estimating. For data
gathering standards questioners were used job motivation (London 1983),
self-development behavior (Xu 2007), need for achievement (Williams &Hurtz 2009), self–efficacy, organizational and supervisor support (Maurer & et.,al 2003).Their reliability were between (70%-80%). Data was analyzed by use of Path-Analyze through Lisrel 8.5 software.

Results: There is a positive and direct relationship between the job motivation and factors such as need for achievement (β=0.24,t=2.47), self–efficacy (β=0.11,t=2.22), organizational support (β=0.19,t=2.31) and supervisory support (β=0.10,t=1.97). Moreover, there is a
direct relationship between the nurses’ self–development behavior and
factors self–efficacy(β=0.31,t=3.26), job motivation (β=0.64,t=3.89) and supervisor support (β=0.26,t=3.03). But there is no significant
relationship (p>0.05) between their self–development behavior and
factors need for achievement (β=0.15 , t=1.74) and organizational
support (β=0.05,t=0.64). Also, 44% changes in self development
define with self efficacy ,organizational and supervisor supports. So, the model had fitness.

Conclusion: Self-efficacy, job motivation and supervisor support leads to improve nurses self-development behavior while need to
chievement, self-efficacy,organizational support and supervisor support to provide motivation for self-development.managers and supervisors seem to provide the time, information, support,feedback, resources and rewards can play avital role in nurses learning and development.

Keywords: human resource self-development, job motivation, nurse
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/07/6 | Accepted: 2014/10/30 | Published: 2014/10/30
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Foroutani Z, Azar A, Ahmadi A, Mobaraki H, Askarinejad M. Assessing the relationship between the nurses’ self – development behavior, job motivation and it’s effective factors. مدیریت پرستاری 2014; 3 (2) :70-78
URL: http://ijnv.ir/article-1-156-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2014) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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