1- Hamadan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Hamadan, Iran. 2- Imam Hosein Hospital-Mehran _Ilam Hamadan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Hamadan, Iran. , f_cheraghi@umsha.ac.ir
Abstract: (15410 Views)
Introduction: Any persons who want to services to others as a leader could be had a positive effects on followers. Always, there is a relationship between staff dissatisfaction and their poor quality performance with poor leadership.But, is this relationship in health care organization ? Aim: this study assessing the relationship between head nurses’ servant leadership style and nurses' job satisfaction. Methods and Materials: This is an analytic-descriptive study which was done in (2014) on (304) nurses who worked in Hamadan educational hospitals. They were selected based on stratified proportional random sampling. Data were collected by Employing Servant Leadership (2009) and Spector Job Satisfaction (1991) questionnaires. Their reliability by (&alpha Chronbach) were (0.95 and 0.82) respectively. Using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression) data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software (&alpha=0.05). Results: findings showed that job satisfaction nurses moderately were satisfied. There was a significant and positive correlation between head nurses' servant leadership style and nurses' job satisfaction (r=.62, p<0.001). Servant leadership dimensions such as humility, providing service and trusty predicted 39% of variance in nurses’ job satisfaction. Conclusions: these domains of head nurses' servant leadership style humility, providing service and trusty were significant predictors of nurses' job satisfaction ,and so, more attention to these by head nurses can improve nurses' job satisfaction.
Sadeghi A, Goharloo Arkawaz A, Cheraghi F, Moghimbeigi A. Relationship between head nurses’ servant leadership style and nurses' job satisfaction . مدیریت پرستاری 2015; 4 (1) URL: http://ijnv.ir/article-1-313-en.html