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:: Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2017) ::
مدیریت پرستاری 2017, 6(1): 42-52 Back to browse issues page
Reflection of emotional intelligence’s nurse managers on nurses’ organizational commitment
Farnaz Boyokzadeh , Hassan Navipour# * , Zohreh Vanaki , Marziye Asareh
#Assistant Professor of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , naviporh@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (6200 Views)
Introduction: Nurse managers must be notice to staff commitment more than other organizational issues, because they can solve the staff problems effectively in order to attainment of organozational goals. So, their emotional intelligence play a mediator role for their abilities in managerial tasks and improving their performances.
Aim: This study was done for assessing the effect of management development plan in emotional intelligence on nurses’ organizational commitment.
Method: This study was a semi- experimental that was done in (2016), and its intervention was based on the Bar-On Model of
Emotional Intelligence in (8) formal educational session and (2) months follow up with indirect control and supervision on nurse managers’ behaviors (18 nurse managers) in case group. The
effects of this education program (management development plan) in two groups assessed on nurses’ organizational commitment in two
 hospitals before and after intervention. All of nurses in two
 hospitals were samples (94 nurses in case group and 108 nurses in control group). Of course, hospitals allocated to two groups,
randomly. And nurses in two groups were matched. For data
gathering Allen & Meyer (1990) scale with Alpha-Cronbach (0.95) used. And for analyzing statistics test such as Mann-Whitney test,
t-test, Chi-squared and Sign test of Wilcoxon used by SPSS 16.
Results: Findings showed that before intervention organizational commitment between nurses in two groups are the same, Mann-Whitney test (P=0.896). After intervention there was a significant difference between means in two groups(P<0.001).
Conclusion: It is recommanded to nurse managers that use this plan for management development (nurse managers training) and they observe improving nurses’ organizational commitment.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, management development, nurses, nurse managers, organizational commitment
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/06/11 | Accepted: 2017/11/26 | Published: 2017/11/26
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Boyokzadeh F, Navipour# H, Vanaki Z, Asareh M. Reflection of emotional intelligence’s nurse managers on nurses’ organizational commitment . مدیریت پرستاری 2017; 6 (1) :42-52
URL: http://ijnv.ir/article-1-487-en.html

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فصلنامه مدیریت پرستاری Quarterly Journal of Nursing Management
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