Quality Improvement Program in Unit [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Fee For Services based on Performance Appraisal [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Design and implementation of the performance evaluation system for Units (Saeb system) [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Implementation of Interventions for Hospitalized Urinary Tract Infection Based on Accreditation in Ministry of Health [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Development of Patient Safety Culture and Accreditation among Clinical Staff [Volume 8, Number 1] |
5A self-management model
Clinical management of fall self-efficacy, self-care and quality of life of older adults based on the 5A model: study protocol of a parallel randomized clinical trial [Volume 13, Number 2] |
The Effect of Attachment Styles and Alexithymia on Psychological Distress With The Mediation of Mentalization in Nurses [Volume 12, Number 3] |
Relationship between Assertiveness and physician-nurse collaboration with Safety Culture [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Investigating the Relationship between Effective Communication Pattern, Resilience, and Emotional Intelligence with the Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 12, Number 3] |
The relationship of Lifestyle and Health Literacy with Psychosocial Adjustment in Patients with COVID-19 after Vaccination: The mediating role of Object Relations [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Prediction of marital quality based on positive and negative emotions with mediating self-compassion and cognitive flexibility in nurses of patients with COVID-19 [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Empowering Pediatric Oncology Nurses: A Successful Experience [Volume 8, Number 1] |
The Effect of Applying FOCUS PDCA Strategic Program of Preoperative Care on Hemodynamic Statue Cesarean Women [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Interview with Elite: Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Characteristic factor
Exploration of nurses' organizational silence and representing the role of managerial and personality factors on it [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Clause 1 of Article 496
Analysis of Clause 1 of Article 496 of the Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2013) about the legal liabilities of nurses [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Clinical Competency
Relationship between head nurses' technical-clinical and organization competencies and newly nurses' clinical competencies in teaching hospitals: a cohort study [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Clinical Experiences
Barriers and facilitators of clinical decision making among nurses [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Cognitive-behavioral approach
Designing an Educational-Therapeutic Package Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches and Examining its efficacy in Managing Psychological Distresses of Cancer Patients Undergoing Surgery [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Content Analysis
Factors Influencing the Organizational Revenge among Nurses: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Comparison of respiratory and systemic symptoms in children under 10 years with healthy and affected parents by Coronavirus [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Corona Virus Anxiety
The Role of Health Promoting Behaviors and Health Beliefs in Predicting of Corona Anxiety (COVID-19) among Nurses [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Coronary artery bypass graft
The Effectiveness of Remote Monitoring and Supervision on Medical Adherence of Patients Underwent Heart Bypass Surgery to Prevent Infection or Anxiety of Being Infected with SARS-CoV-2 - A Pilot Study [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Coronavirus disease
Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the development of the export market in pharmaceutical companies with emphasis on export competitiveness in the context of the corona epidemic with the fuzzy Delphi approach [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Covid 19
The role of job stress on the productivity of nurses working in the corona ward of Imam Khomeini Esfarayen Hospital [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Economic consequences of Covid-19 disease on the Iranian economy; With an emphasis on employment [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The prevalence of workplace violence against nurses and its associated factors during the corona pandemic [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Covid-19 Pandemic.
Evaluation of effectiveness educational based on inter-professional approach on rate of empathy and inter-professional collaboration among nurses and physicians in emergency department during the Covid-19 pandemic [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Covid-19 pandemic
Adaptation need of undergraduate nursing curriculum with the educational changes caused by the Covid- 19 pandemic [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Critical Values
Announce Critical Values (Panic Values or Critical Values) Tests through Hot Line [Volume 7, Number 4] |
The role of resilience and coping styles in predicting burnout of corona nurses in private hospitals in Tehran [Volume 10, Number 4] |
DACUM method
Nurses' educational needs assessment by DACUM method: a case study [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Evaluation of safe performance of nurses using Sherpa method in selected hospitals of Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran in 2019 [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Identifying the antecedents and consequences of death anxiety amongst nurses by Meta Synthesis and Delphi Methods [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Electronic registration
Surveying the satisfaction of pre-hospital emergency operatives in using electronic registration and reporting forms [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Emotional Exhaustion.
The Effect of COVID-19 Demands on Turnover Intention with the Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion among Nurses [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Factor Analysis
Construction and validation of dimensions and components of the Social Citizenship Behavior Scale in the Corona Pandemic (in order to provide a native model in public hospitals) [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Family-Friendly Work Environment
The effects of Family-Self Facilitation and Family-Friendly Work Climate in reducing the effect of Work-Family Conflict on Family Satisfaction, Quality of Marital Relationship and Quality of Parenting among Nurses [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Foundation Data Theory
Designing a Model for Empowering Nursing Managers in Teaching Hospitals of Tehran University [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Galsserian Approach
Identifying the competencies required by managers of medical-educational centers in Kermanshah [Volume 9, Number 2] |
General surgery
Implementing the Principles of Nursing Personnel Performance Evaluation in One of the General Surgery Departments of the Hospital [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Examining the role of Oneness behaviors and Religiosity on the Nurses' Happiness: with the mediation of Mindfulness (Case Study: Nurses of Pasargad Hospital) [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Health Care and Medical.
Evaluating the effect of using biophilic design and architecture strategies on the improvement of physical and mental health indicators of patients admitted to selected hospitals from the perspective of architectures, patients and patiens’ companions and health care and medical [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Unknown Disease Management (COVID-19) in the World: A Review Study [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Heart failure clinic
Designing a Method of Performance Evaluation for Physicians and Nurses of Heart Failure Clinic Based on the Analytic Network Process [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Hospital Nurses
Investigating the effect of hospital ethics on nurses' job affiliation as an effective human capital in sustainable development [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Hospital Nursing Staff
Emotional work strategies of managers and job performance of nurses [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Human Resources
Designing a strategic model of two-way learning based on human resource functions in the Social Security Organization [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Improving the quality of life
The success of other organizations (Raising the quality of working life of women employed in the oil industry) [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Intensive Care Unit
Conflict and its Management in Intensive Care Units [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
The Effectiveness of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP (in symptoms depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress and guilt felling in Bereaved people from the disease COVID-19 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Clinical decision making in Iranian nurses: systematic review [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Iranian judiciary
Nursing care negligence in Iranian Judiciary [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Job Performance.
Investigating the moderator role of managers' communication behaviors on the relationship between psychological empowerment and job performance of nurses [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Kausar Hospital
Investigating the Impact of Mobile Workplace Stress on the Employee Innovative Behavior of with Regard to Mediation Work Engagement and Work-Family Conflict (Case Study: Employees of Kausar Hospital in Semnan) [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Comparison of the Relation between Thinking Styles and Five Personality Traits with Self-Efficacy in Nurse in Corona and Other (Noncorona) wards [Volume 10, Number 4] |
King model, Nurse Perception, Organizational power
Assessment of nurses' perceptions of nursing power based on King Model [Volume 1, Number 4] |
Knowledge Based
Designing Organizational Learning Networks Based on knowledge-oriented Human Resource Architecture Model in Social Security Organization [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Family care capacity management in home health care: a content analysis qualitative [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Management Development, leadership style, head nurse, nurse
The Impact of management development program on effectiveness of leadership style of head nurses: a case study [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Mechanism of action
Antibiotic-preventing newborns with an emphasis on tygesicline [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Medical Sciences
The Role of Leadership Behavioral Theory in Classroom Management of Medical Sciences [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Mentoring program, quality of nursing care recording
The effect of mentoring program on quality of nursing care recording [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Nurses' job satisfaction in the last ten years with a systematic meta-analysis and review approach [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The effect of fear of Covid 19 on psychological well-being of employees with the mediating role of job insecurity and moderator of mindfulness [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavior Therapy (MiCBT).
Effect of Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavior Therapy) MiCBT (on the Health Anxiety and Death Obsession in Patients with COVID-19 [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Monitor device
Improving the ability of nurses in the emergency department to use the monitor with the help of a small action research study [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Motivational self-regulation.
The Impact of nurses' moral distress on the quality of nursing care by explaining the mediating role of narcissism and motivational self-regulation: Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Nosocomial Infections
The degree of observance of infection control standards and its effective factors in the operating room staff in Hospitals of Maragheh University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Overview of the Qa'im's (PBUH) Rehabilitation Center Activities [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Improving the Quality of Nursing Care [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Assessing the simple and multiple relationships between individual and organizational variables and job involvement among nurses [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Investigating of organizational ethical climate from the perspective of nurses in selected hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2020 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Investigating the relationship between organizational support, Co-Worker support and perceived supervisory support with new graduated nurses' job performance [Volume 11, Number 4] |
The Relationship of Nurses’ Clinical Competence and Communication Skills with Parents' Anxiety during Neonates and Children's Hospitalization [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Designing and validating a model for adapting female nurses to the conditions of the Corona pandemic; Thematic analysis approach [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Relationship between levels of group and individual learning in clinical nurses' organizational learning: a case study [Volume 4, Number 4] |
The Effect of Job Stress on Resilience: The moderating Role of Job Engagement in Nurses [Volume 11, Number 3] |
Organizational learning capabilities of nurses [Volume 2, Number 4] |
The relationship between nurses' social responsibility and the organizational culture in teaching hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Predicting Corona stress based on coping strategies, quality of life and psychological well-being of nurses [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The Role of Charismatic rhetoric Leadership on the turnover intentions of nurses during Covid-19: An Analysis of the Effects of affective Commitment to Change and Organizational Identification Abstract: [Volume 11, Number 3] |
The Role of Rumination, Emotion Regulation and Responsiveness to Stress in Predicting of Corona Anxiety (COVID-19) among Nurses [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Analyzing the effect of abusive supervision on nurses' organizational citizenship behaviors with the mediating role of emotional exhaustion [Volume 11, Number 2] |
The role of alexithymia, cognitive flexibility and fear of intimacy in predicting marital conflict in nurses [Volume 11, Number 2] |
The Relationship between Coping Strategies and Organizational Commitment Nurses [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Investigating the Effect of Client Incivility on Work Related Conditions among Nurses Working at Shahid Mohammadi Hospital in Bandar Abbas [Volume 9, Number 2] |
The Impact of Organizational Trauma on Job Performance: Mediation role of Emotional Intelligence of Nurses [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Impact of Perceived Workload on Nurses' Desire to Leave by Explaining the Mediating Role of Work-Life Balance and Moderating Role of High-CommitmentWork System in Khorramabad Public Hospitals [Volume 9, Number 4] |
The Role of Metacognitive Beliefs and Psychological Flexibility in Predicting The Attitude and Performance of Nurses in Relation To Patient Pain Management [Volume 12, Number 4] |
The Relationship between Emotional Quotient and Conflict and Job Stress Management among nurses [Volume 4, Number 3] |
The Role of Primary Maladaptive Schemas, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Cognitive Flexibility in Predicting The Quality of Patient Care Among Nurses [Volume 12, Number 3] |
The Effect Of Stressful Life Events And Emotional Dysregulation On Somatization Symptoms With The Mediating Role Of Alexithymia In Nurses [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Establishment of a systematic evaluation system for nurses' performance [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Today nursing need for emotional intelligence: Integrative review of literature [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Promoting preoperative care in women under cesarean section During and after operation with procedure FOCUSPDCA [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Nursing Care
Relationship between nurses’ moral intelligence and patient’ satisfaction from nursing care [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Nursing Reporting
Nursing Reporting [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Nursing Students.
The Role of Perceived Stress, Alexithymia and Mindfulness in Predicting Suicidal Thoughts of Nursing Students [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Organizational Silence
Assessing the Relationship between Social Health and Organizational Silence [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Organizational Trust.
Co-relational framework between Spiritual Leadership, Teamwork and Organizational Trust in nurses [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Ostracism in the Workplace
Investigating the Effect of the Dark Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Procrastination with the mediation of role Overload and Ostracism in the Workplace and moderating Gender (Case Study: Semnan Hospital) [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Relationship between death anxiety and Mental Health of Nurses Working in Bushehr Persian Gulf Martyrs Hospital at the Time of Coronavirus Virus [Volume 10, Number 2] |
The relationship between nurses' care behaviors and patients' satisfaction in public hospitals of Kashan [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Patient Education
Institutionalizing the educational role of nurses by Deming cycle (PDCA) [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Personality characteristics
Relationship between nurse managers' personality characteristics and leadership style [Volume 4, Number 1] |
The responsibility of the physician to provide training to patients from the point of view of Imamieh jurisprudence [Volume 8, Number 1] |
A Challeng of the Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Nurses and Physicians in Iran. An integrated review [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Predictive value
Comparative Analysis of the Predictive Values of Phalen’s and Carpal Compression Tests in Diagnosis and Management of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients based on Electrodiagnostic Testing [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Pregnant Women.
The effectiveness of Stewart cognitive-behavioral family therapy on mental weakness and emotional self-regulation in pregnant women in the corona epidemic [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Pregnant women
The Effect of COVI-19 on the Health Status of Pregnant Women and Their Neonates: A Systematic Review Study [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Professional Ethic
Analysis of the Structural Relationship between the Organizational Trust with the Self-Efficiency and Professional Ethics among Nurses [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Psychiatric ward
The relationship between the atmosphere of psychiatric ward and job stress of nurses working at university hospitals of Bushehr and Shiraz-2019 [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Psycho hospitals
The mediating role of workplace deviant behavior among nurses in the relationship between organizational justice and privacy protection [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Psychological Hardiness
Predicting Coronavirus Anxiety Based on Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies, Anxiety Sensitivity, and Psychological Hardiness in Nurses [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Psychological reaction to covid-19 and rumination
Modeling the relationships of psychological reactions in the style of attachment styles, Alexithymia and perfectionism mediated by mental rumination in an overt epidemic. The research method is descriptive and correlational [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Quality and Treatment Care
Identifying and raking the moral virtue indicators in clinical centers and their impacts on quality and treatment care [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Quality of nursing care.
The role of Attachment Styles, Mentalization and shame and guilt in predicting the quality of patient care among nurses [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Quality patient care
The Impact of high performance work systems on quality patient care: mediating role of psychological empowerment [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Ranco and Chad’s creative thinking Pattern
Effect of applying «Ranco and Chad’s» creative thinking pattern on nursing students’ managerial skills [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Patient-to-nurse staffing ratios and its outcomes on nurses and premature infants in NICUs [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Nursing human resource management facing Covid-19: an integrative review [Volume 10, Number 4] |
SWOT matrix
Application of knowledge management in an educational system: As an entrepreneurial approach [Volume 7, Number 3] |
School Teachers
Comparison of job satisfaction and quality of work life between health educators and teachers in the schools [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Service quality
Patient satisfaction with the medical services, hospital facilities, and the performance of the medical staff in the hospitals affiliated with Alborz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Social capital
Investigating the Effect of Strategic Human Resource Management Functions on Organizational Resilience with Emphasis on Social Capital Mediation [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Social capital.
Investigating the Impact of Individual Characteristics on Job Burnout by Examining Mediation role of Job Stress and Social Capital among Nurses of Imam Reza Hospital of Urmia [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Social support.
The effect of managers' communicational behaviors on nurses' work engagement and psychological distress considering the mediating role of social support [Volume 9, Number 1] |
South East of Iran
Implementation of enforcement productivity law and performance-based payment and nurses' job satisfaction [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Special heart part
Use of the HIS system to improve the quality of nursing care in the special cardiac part [Volume 7, Number 4] |
The Necessity of Educating Caregivers of Stroke Patients - A Review Study [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Structural equations modeling
Effect of Psychological Capital on Nurses’ Ethical Behavior Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Developing a Causal Model of Psychological Hardiness in Medical Students Based on personality traits mediated by academic self-efficacy [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Systematic review.
Organizational Commitment of Iranian Nurses: A Systematic Review [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Systematic review.
Lifestyles of Iranian Nurses, Challenges and Solutions: A Systematic Review [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Type 2 diabetes.
The role of psychological flexibility, difficulty in emotion regulation and intolerance of uncertainty in predicting psychological distress and obsessive - compulsive in patients with type 2 diabetes during the covid-19 epidemic [Volume 11, Number 2] |
University Of Medical Sciences
Designing an Electronic Education Model for Medical Sciences Universities in Tehran: A Hybrid Approach [Volume 12, Number 2] |
University of Medical Sciences
The Identification of the Dimensions, Components and Indicators of Electronic Education for Medical Universities in Tehran: A Qualitative Approach [Volume 11, Number 3] |
A review of the world health organization assessment instrument for mental health system: WHO-AIMS [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Workflow interruption
Investigating Workflow Interruptions among Nurses: Operating Rooms with the Highest Frequency of Interruptions, What is the Role of Phone Interruptions !? [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Written Exposure Therapy.
Effect of written Exposure Therapy (WET) Vs. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction(MBSR) on Managing pain and Mental Adjustment to cancer in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Young nurses
Investigating the relationship between perfectionism of nursing managers with self-reliance and mind control of young nurses [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Corona Nurses' Lived Experience of Moral Distress while Performing Organizational Duties [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Evaluation of organizational infrastructure affecting the use of E-learning [Volume 5, Number 2] |
artificial neural network
Investigating the relationship between work-family conflict and resilience with nurses' self-compassion [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The attitudes of nurses towards the occurrence and reporting of nursing errors in selected hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2019 [Volume 11, Number 4] |
attitude towards application.
Factors Affecting the Intention of Adoption of Health Information Technology in Hospitals Affiliated with Social Security in Isfahan Using the Model of Don Bale et al. (2012) [Volume 7, Number 2] |
attitude, knowledge, legal, nurses, practice
Assessing nurses› knowledge, attitude and practice about professional legal [Volume 1, Number 4] |
basic need satisfaction.
Relationship between works related psychological basic needs, personality characteristics and work engagement [Volume 3, Number 4] |
burnout, clinical nurse, intensive unit, life satisfaction, resiliency
Comparative analysis of life satisfaction, resilience and burnout among intensive and other units nurses [Volume 1, Number 4] |
care standard
Presentation of nurses' functional guide for discharge planning on self-efficacy of type II diabetic patients [Volume 6, Number 2] |
charge nurse
Assessment charge nurses' managerial self-efficacy [Volume 2, Number 4] |
clinical education
Educational Leadership in Clinical Nursing Professors: A Concept Analysis with Walker and Avant’s Approach [Volume 13, Number 2] |
clinical governance
Clinical audit process for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in in nurses working in the evening shift at general wards [Volume 7, Number 3] |
combined method
Designing the Social Security Organization's communication strategy model in interaction with the media using the Foundation's data method [Volume 12, Number 3] |
The dimensions of clinical competence of nurses working in critical care units and their relation with the underlying factors [Volume 8, Number 2] |
complementary medicine, pain relief, nursing
Assesing barriers for using of complementary medicine in relieving pain in patients by nurses [Volume 1, Number 4] |
complementary medicine, pain relief, nursing
The nature of job satisfaction concept: an integrative review of literature [Volume 1, Number 4] |
continuous commitment, emotional commitment, nursing organizational commitment, obligatory commitment
Assessing organizational commitment in clinical nurses [Volume 2, Number 2] |
control over nursing practice, recognition of nursing governors, nursing governors
Nursing governors’ recognition of control over nursing practice [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The Relationship between Corona Stress and Anxiety with Psychological Well-being Considering the Mediating Role of Corona Burnout among Nurses [Volume 11, Number 2] |
coronary artery stress
Investigating the effect of work shifts in coronary conditions on burnout of employees with the mediating role of coronary stress [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Quarantine an effective intervention in COVID-19 [Volume 9, Number 1] |
coronavirus anxiety
The Role of Mentalization, Insecure Attachment, and Emotional Dysregulation in Predicting Somatization Symptoms and coronavirus anxiety In Nurses during the Corona Epidemic [Volume 10, Number 4] |
cost of treatment
Designing a model for attracting medical tourists to public hospitals of Tehran [Volume 10, Number 1] |
covid-19 pandemic
The challenges of the nursing profession during the covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of the nursing metaparadigm [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Prediction of Psychological Distress and Job Performance of Nurses Based on Maladaptive Daydreaming and Social Loneliness during the Covid 19 Epidemic [Volume 11, Number 4] |
critical care
Comparison of pharmacological knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical calculations in nurses of general and ICU wards in educational hospitals in Ahvaz [Volume 2, Number 4] |
critical care units
The correlation between nurses' clinical competency and emotional intelligence in nurses of health care units in hamadan university of medical sciences hospitals [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Comparison of the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and cognitive-behavioral therapy on rumination and cognitive impairment in people with depression [Volume 13, Number 1] |
designing a health system performance management model for iran [Volume 9, Number 3] |
eating behavior
Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies between Obese and Normal Weight Women [Volume 8, Number 4] |
“Letter to the Editor” Human resource management in the Corona era: Changing the role of academic faculty members in line with health advocates [Volume 11, Number 3] |
educational management, job satisfaction, nurse, leadership effectiveness, organizational culture
Developing a model for leadership effectiveness in nursing colleges at Islamic Azad University [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Effect of continuing education competency-based program for emergency nurses on rate CPR successful [Volume 4, Number 2] |
emotional flexibility
Development of an emotion regulation training package based on micro learning strategy and its effectiveness on social competence and emotional flexibility of teenagers [Volume 13, Number 1] |
emotional intelligence
Investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological empowerment of nursing managers of selected military hospitals [Volume 12, Number 1] |
error management
The experiences of health care staff from the organizational culture of patient safety and error management in educational centers [Volume 7, Number 2] |
experiential avoidance.
Prediction of health anxiety based on metacognitive beliefs, Alexithymia and experiential avoidance in nurses [Volume 12, Number 1] |
facilitators of nurses' participation in policy making
Barriers and Facilitators of Nurses' Involvement in Health Policy: A Narrative Review Study [Volume 11, Number 1] |
foundation data method
Designing the Social Security Organization's strategic communication management model in interaction with the media from the Foundation's data method [Volume 12, Number 3] |
governing principles
Pathology of Administrative Law in Nursing Practices [Volume 8, Number 1] |
health care management, organizational structure, psychological empowerment
The relationship between dimensions of organizational structures and employees' psychological empowerment in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 2, Number 1] |
health protocol Development.
A Model for Developing a Job Reopening Protocol in the Conditions of the Covid19 Outbreak [Volume 10, Number 1] |
healthcare workers
Designing and Implementing Personal protection program In COVID-19 Pandemic: The experience of A referral Hospital in Mashhad Iran [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Assessing hospitals clinical risk management [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Investigating the relationship between the pillars of hospital hotel services and the components of attracting medical tourists in selected private hospitals in Tehran [Volume 10, Number 1] |
hospital nurse
The relationship between emotional intelligence and job involvement among hospital nurses [Volume 2, Number 3] |
human resource management, nursing, self – development
Assesing the relationship between Individual and Organizational factors with Self – development [Volume 2, Number 2] |
in-service education
Assessing the effectiveness of training outcome based on Kirkpatrick model: case study [Volume 2, Number 3] |
infectious department
Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills of Nurses caring for covid-19 patients: Comparison of Nurses with a History of Infectious Disease Care with Other Nurses [Volume 9, Number 4] |
intensive nursing care
Causes of non- impact continuing education on quality of intensive nursing care in open heart surgery [Volume 5, Number 2] |
job Sustainability
The Impact of Perceived Organization Support, Motivation Prosocial, Emotional Commitment on job Sustainability; study in During Coronavirus [Volume 11, Number 1] |
job satisfaction
Relationships between social capitals, organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction among nursing staff [Volume 3, Number 1] |
job stress
Comparison between job stress among emergency department nurses with nurses of other departments [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Assessment managers’ and hospital staff knowledge and attitude to accreditation [Volume 5, Number 2] |
life challenges.
Job and family life challenges of working women in treatment department: a phenomenological study [Volume 12, Number 4] |
major depression
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on cognitive regulation of emotion, mindfulness and self-compassion in patients with major depression [Volume 11, Number 3] |
management development
Effect of management development program based on concept mapping for head nurses on their leadership style and its' effectiveness [Volume 1, Number 3] |
mediating role
The mediating role of fatigue in relationships between Cognitive Control with Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms, and Adherence to treatment in Patient with Breast Cance [Volume 11, Number 3] |
medical sciences
Designing the branding pattern of human resources with an islamic approach to the universities of medical sciences in tehran city [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Prioritization of contributing factors on patient safety by analytical hierarchy process [Volume 5, Number 1] |
medication error model development
Development of nurses’ medication error model: mixed method [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Investigating The Role Of Object Relations And Mentalization In Predicting The Attitude And Performance Of Nurses In Relation To Patient Pain Management [Volume 11, Number 4] |
The Effect of Attachment Styles on The Symptoms of Depression and Emotional Dysregulation with the Mediation of Mentalization in Nurses [Volume 12, Number 2] |
Assessing the prevalence of organizational procrastination and the associated factors among nursing and midwifery staff [Volume 5, Number 1] |
moral skill
Presenting the development model of empathic communication skills using content analysis technique among professors and faculty members of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 13, Number 2] |
Assessing factors influenced on teaching hospital staff tendency to incentives' in second job [Volume 2, Number 3] |
motivational profile
The nursing students’ motivational profile and its relationship to their academic achievement:A person-oriented approach [Volume 1, Number 1] |
multiple sclerosis
The effects of emotion-focused therapy on anxiety sensitivity and over -emotion in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) in isfahan [Volume 13, Number 1] |
neonatal intensive care
Auditing preterm neonatal nutrition nursing care [Volume 2, Number 4] |
novice nurse
Evaluation of clinical competence of novice nurses from the perspective of head nurses, a cross-sectional descriptive study in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2019 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Implementation of the Nursing Care Management Program in Intensive Care Unit: Open Heart Surgery [Volume 8, Number 1] |
The effect of nurses’ conflict management styles on their burnout [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Relationship between leadership style and perceived organizational justice [Volume 6, Number 1] |
The effect of occupational stress on organizational citizenship nurses' behaviors: analyzing the role of organizational support [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Assessing the relationship between the nurses’ self – development behavior, job motivation and it’s effective factors [Volume 3, Number 2] |
The efficacy of emotion regulation therapy on aggression reduction , job stress and general health in nurses [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Designing applied model for "managerial technique 5 S" in operating room: a case study [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Structural equation modeling of the relationship between perceived spiritual leadership with organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and performance in nurses [Volume 3, Number 2] |
A Systematic Review in The Process of Formation, Development and Content of Nurses' Psychological Contracts [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Clinical nurses' experiences of job rotation techniques [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Relationship between nurses’ quality performance and their job satisfaction [Volume 6, Number 1] |
nurse clinical competence
Clinical competence of nurses: A systematic review study [Volume 11, Number 1] |
nurse manager
Inquiry lived facts in educational supervision [Volume 3, Number 3] |
nurse-patient relationship.
Impact of nursing care delivery systems [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Comparison of professional autonomy of nurses working in intensive care units and other wards in selected hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2020 [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Evaluation nurses' mental work load in Emergency Department: case study [Volume 3, Number 4] |
nurse\'s job organizational factors
Relationship between nurses' job stress and procrastination: case study [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Modeling the Relationship of psychological empowerment, Spirituality at work and psychological Safety in nurses [Volume 2, Number 3] |
To Assess The Effects of The Night Shift Work in Nurses' Depression And Anxiety in Hospitals of Chalous [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Investigation of different types of nursing errors based on their lived and working experiences in health centers; A qualitative study [Volume 9, Number 4] |
The role of perceived social support in the prediction of burnout among nurses [Volume 3, Number 1] |
The effects of job security on nursesʼ burnout syndrome [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Factors affecting conflict among emergency nurses [Volume 5, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of self-compassion training on psychological capital, job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion in nurses [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Clinical audit process: "hand hygiene" in nurses [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Effect of meaning-centered pain coping skills training vs. mindfulness-based stress reduction on pain self-efficacy and life expectancy in women with breast cancer [Volume 13, Number 1] |
The effect of solving cognitive fatigue problems based on the ego depletion approach on the moral judgment of nursing students [Volume 13, Number 1] |
Some of Psychometric characteristics of hospital risk management questionnaire [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Predicting the life expectancy in nurse based on happiness, acting to religious beliefs and psychological hardiness [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Prediction of psychological well-being based on empathy and self-compassion among nurses [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Effectiveness of Ethical Values in Nurses Quality of Work Life with the Mediating Role of Professional Ethics [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Assessing relationship between intra organizational factors that affect on nurses' professional ethics behaviors [Volume 7, Number 1] |
nurses, job stress, personality characteristics, coping strategies
Relationship between personality characteristics and coping strategies with job stress in nurses [Volume 1, Number 4] |
The Effect of Childhood Trauma and Emotional Dysregulation on Suicidal Thoughts With The Mediation of Rumination in Nurses With Depressive Symptoms [Volume 12, Number 3] |
The relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction among hospital staff of Imam Khomeini (RA) in Jiroft per year 2013. [Volume 2, Number 3] |
The role of dissociative experiences, mindfulness and loneliness in predicting the tendency to use substance in nurses [Volume 12, Number 3] |
The Effect of Perceived Stress on Psychological Distress and Psychological Well-Being with a Mediating Role of Sense of Coherence in Nurses [Volume 12, Number 1] |
Sleep disturbances in nurses: the role of occupational stress, mindfulness and self-compassion [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Investigating the role of attachment, mentalization and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in predicting the tendency to use substance in nurses [Volume 11, Number 4] |
Enhancing Optimal Experiences and Alleviating Job Stress in Nurses by Affective Capital Enhancement Training [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Maladaptive Daydreaming: a preliminary study to investigate the comparison of psychological problems and job performance among two groups of nurses [Volume 11, Number 4] |
The effect of mindfulness on organizational citizen behavior, with the mediating role of resilience of nurses [Volume 11, Number 4] |
nurses’ empathy
Nurses’ empathy with patient: the effect of perceived social supports and ethical responsibility to patient [Volume 5, Number 1] |
nurses’ viewpoint
Evaluation of «competency based» in -service education program from nurses' viewpoint in emergency department: case study [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Relationship between ethical climate and organizational citizenship behaviors among of nurses in intensive care units [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Exploring the position of aesthetics in the thought of nursing leaders in Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 12, Number 4] |
Perceived entrepreneurial motivators by Iranian nurse entrepreneurs: a qualitative study [Volume 3, Number 3] |
The trend of scientific production in the field of nursing information technology [Volume 7, Number 1] |
nursing educators, role strain, role strain scale
Assessing role strain and its related factors in Iranian nursing educators: a challenge for educational managers [Volume 2, Number 2] |
nursing process, nursing classification systems, nursing information system, information needs
Application of classification systems in nursing information system: an integrative review of literatures [Volume 2, Number 1] |
nursing profession
Factors Affecting the Professional Socialization of Nursing: Barriers and Solutions [Volume 8, Number 4] |
nursing professional
Assessing nurses’ attitudes toward clinical environment [Volume 1, Number 2] |
nursing services
importance of monitoring the health of patients by nurses and their impact on the quality of nursing care services to the patient [Volume 9, Number 1] |
nursing student
Educational management and emotional intelligence in undergraduate nursing students [Volume 5, Number 2] |
nursing students
Causal model in relation to progress motivation with perceived academic stress based on the mediating role of information processing styles and mind wandering in nursing students [Volume 12, Number 2] |
nursing students
Improving the clinical education environment to enhance the learning of nursing students in the arena [Volume 7, Number 4] |
on the job training
Effectiveness of lecture method on nurses’ learning levels in nursing education in nuclear accidents [Volume 1, Number 2] |
organizational climate, attractive hospitals, european foundation for quality management model, nurses attitudes
Comparing organizational climate in (performing/other) hospitals of excellence model from the nurses’ perspective [Volume 2, Number 2] |
organizational citizenship behaviors
Assessing relationship between organizational identity, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors in nurses [Volume 3, Number 3] |
organizational commitment
Evaluation of predictive conceptual model organizational citizenship behavior in nurses based on their lifestyle and organizational commitment [Volume 3, Number 2] |
organizational commitment
Reflection of emotional intelligence’s nurse managers on nurses’ organizational commitment [Volume 6, Number 1] |
organizational commitment
Predictors of organizational commitment among nurses [Volume 4, Number 4] |
organizational culture.
Assessing organizational culture in hospitals Denison Model [Volume 3, Number 4] |
organizational indifference
The structural model of personality traits of nurses' entrepreneurship based on the sources of power of managers and the role of administrative mediator of organizational justice [Volume 6, Number 3] |
organizational indifference
The relationship between organizational socialization and organizational indifference in nurses [Volume 6, Number 3] |
organizational justice.
Investigate the effect of Islamic work ethic on job motivation with the mediating role of organizational justice (Case study: Valiasr Hospital in Arak) [Volume 10, Number 4] |
organizational loyalty
Moderating role of ethical climate and organizational loyalty in impact managers’ ethical behaviors on caring behaviors of nurses [Volume 5, Number 3] |
organizational performance
The mediating role of mental health in the relationship between organizational conflict and organizational performance among Private hospitals personnel [Volume 6, Number 1] |
organizational trust
Assessing the relationship between psychological empowerment and nurses’ organizational trust: exploring the mediating role of organizational learning [Volume 5, Number 1] |
organizational trust
Analysis of relationships between organizational support, trust and organizational commitment among nurses [Volume 7, Number 2] |
organizational values.
Management commitment to organizational values from nursess view point: case study [Volume 3, Number 4] |
patient education services
Introducing a semi-centralized organizational model for organizing and developing patient education services: the pivotal role of nurses [Volume 3, Number 3] |
patient safety
Assessing patient safety events and it’s correlation with nurse - physician interaction from nurses’ view [Volume 1, Number 2] |
patient satisfaction
The effect of participatory supervision program for nurses on patients’ satisfaction in medical- surgical wards [Volume 1, Number 2] |
patient satisfaction, nursing care, consumer satisfaction, education patient
Comparison of in-patients' satisfaction with different domains of nursing care [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Effect of nursesʼ perceptions on the quality of services received by managers on their customer-oriented behaviors (patient centered care) [Volume 5, Number 3] |
patients’ safety culture.
Assessing medical staff's view of patient safety culture [Volume 4, Number 3] |
pediatric ward
Comparing perception of nurse - mother communication between nurses and mothers' hospitalized children [Volume 2, Number 3] |
people recovered from corona disease
The effectiveness of reality therapy training on distress tolerance and impulsivity of people recovered from corona disease in rehabilitation centers of Shahrekord [Volume 12, Number 1] |
perceived knowledge organizational support.
Effect of perceived knowledge organizational support on professional knowledge sharing among nurses: a case study [Volume 4, Number 2] |
performance appraisal, job satisfaction, nurse
The correlation between quality of performance appraisal and job satisfaction of nurses [Volume 1, Number 4] |
Assessing the strategic human resource management from the perspective of faculty members and staff at the school of Nursing and Midwifery of Tehran: A Descriptive Analytical Study [Volume 12, Number 4] |
pre-hospital emergency staff
Investigating the relationship between job content and satisfaction and performance job of pre-hospital emergency staff [Volume 12, Number 4] |
The role of mentalization, psychological flexibility and difficulty in regulating emotion in predicting psychological distress and sleep problems in pregnant women During the Corona Epidemic [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Burnout among emergency medical services (EMS) staff [Volume 5, Number 3] |
prehospital emergency
Relationship between job satisfaction and burnout among prehospital emergency staff [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Comparison of occupational stress level of nurses in public and private hospitals in Qom, 2016 [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Assessing the obstacles of outsourcing in nursing [Volume 4, Number 4] |
problem solving
Relationship between personality types and the ability of problem-solving among nurse managers [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Relationship between happiness and productivity among nurses [Volume 5, Number 2] |
professional autonomy
The effect of nurses' attitudes toward knowledge sharing in the acceptance of clinical information technology systems [Volume 7, Number 3] |
professional autonomy, nursing, integrative review of literature
Challenges of autonomy in nursing: an integrative review [Volume 2, Number 1] |
professional competence
The relationship between emotional intelligence and professional competence among nursing managers [Volume 7, Number 2] |
professional development
Relationship between organizational commitment and nurses' clinical competency [Volume 7, Number 1] |
professional values
Professional values of the nursing students’ perspective in type 1 universities of medical sciences [Volume 1, Number 1] |
psychatrics nurse
Comparison of resiliency, procrastination, stress and burnout among nurses in psychiatric and non- psychiatric wards [Volume 5, Number 3] |
psychiatric nursing
Comparison psychiatrics nurses' burnout and general health with critical care (ICU) nurses [Volume 3, Number 1] |
psychological strain
The relationship between psychological empowerment and psychological strain among clinical nurses in educational hospitals [Volume 3, Number 3] |
qualitative study
Clinical nurses' perception to atmosphere of creation knowledge: a qualitative study [Volume 3, Number 3] |
qualitative study
Implementation of independent nurses' interventions in the ICU: Content analysis [Volume 10, Number 2] |
The relationship between total quality management and hospital services quality from the perspective of nurses in selected hospitals of khuzestan 2023 [Volume 13, Number 1] |
quality of life
Relationship between nurses’ depression and quality of life: applying path analysis model [Volume 3, Number 2] |
quality of life, case management program, hemophilia, preschool
The evaluation of effect case management program on quality of life of pre-school children with hemophilia [Volume 2, Number 1] |
quality of life.
Examining the Role of Attachment Styles, Rumination and Psychological Coherence in Predicting the Intimacy Attitude and Quality Of Life of Nurses [Volume 11, Number 4] |
quality of nursing care
Effects of applying “The Participative Continuing Education Based on Competency Model” on quality of intensive nursing care in open heart surgery [Volume 6, Number 2] |
quality of nursing documents
Assessing quality of nursing documentations and effective factors on it in medical-surgical units [Volume 1, Number 3] |
quality of work life.
Examining the Impact of Nurses quality of work life on Their turnover Intention: Moderating Role of Workplace Incivility [Volume 12, Number 1] |
quality of work-life
Assessing the relationship between nurses' quality of work life and their intention to leave the nursing profession [Volume 1, Number 3] |
readiness level
Assessing adaptability nurse instructors’ leadership style in clinical education [Volume 1, Number 1] |
related factors
Designing and validating a questionnaire to measure the reasons for the factors related to intention turnover of nurses in the covid-19 pandemic [Volume 11, Number 3] |
resources shaping image
Comparing shaping resources of the nursing public image and their importance from the perspective of nurses and general public [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Assessing the effective factors on retention nurses as knowledge workers in hospitals [Volume 1, Number 3] |
review study
Process mining of medication, error recognition and contributory factor in creation of errors [Volume 4, Number 4] |
reward management
Assessing the in-effective factors in rewards for nurses: A case study [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Routinizing head nurses’s dominant behavior in managing units: qualitative study [Volume 3, Number 4] |
The knowledge and satisfaction of nurses about pay for performance (Qasedak plan) and its relationship with the quality of nursing care [Volume 7, Number 2] |
satisfaction of patients and families
The effect of nursing care quality assurance program in ambulatory care center on the patient’s satisfaction undergoing cataract surgery and their families [Volume 5, Number 3] |
scale psychometric
Psychometric characteristics of “physician-nurse communication scale” in medication errors based on Reason Model
[Volume 5, Number 3] |
scientific report
Reporting the results of structural equation modeling (SEM) writing [Volume 3, Number 2] |
self assessment
Assessing nursing students’ clinical competency:self-assessment [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Leadership skills is necessary for extra roles behaviors and professional excellence [Volume 5, Number 1] |
senior managers
Knowledge of hospital senior managers about passive defense [Volume 6, Number 1] |
servant leadership
Relationship between head nurses’ servant leadership style and nurses' job satisfaction [Volume 4, Number 1] |
sexual function.
Investigating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Body Image and Sexual Function of Women with Obesity [Volume 11, Number 2] |
sexual function.
[Volume 9, Number 3] |
social capital
The role of social capital, organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in predicting organizational health [Volume 7, Number 2] |
social problem solving ability.
Relationship between nursess social problems solving ability and their empathy in intensive care units [Volume 3, Number 4] |
social responsibility
Investigating the impact of organizational commitment on financial performance with the mediating role of social responsibility in the University of Medical Sciences and Health Services of Central Province [Volume 12, Number 1] |
spiritual intelligence
Effects of spiritual intelligence training on nurses' job stress [Volume 4, Number 1] |
spiritual management
Explorating spiritual management in nursing: a hermeneutic phenomenological [Volume 4, Number 1] |
spiritual well being
Structural modeling of the relationship between spiritual connection with psychological capital and spiritual well- being of nurses [Volume 3, Number 2] |
The relationship between spirituality, organizational commitment and general health with job performance of clinical nurses [Volume 1, Number 2] |
spirituality at work
Structural modeling of relationship between professional ethics and spirituality at work with social responsibility among nurses in the public hospitals in Kermanshah city [Volume 3, Number 2] |
staff costs
Effect «rule of productivity promotion» in health system on nursing staff cost: a case study [Volume 2, Number 4] |
staff development
Effect of implementation staff development program based on evidences for supervisors on nurses, practice [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Assessing stressors and coping styles in medical sciences students [Volume 1, Number 1] |
stress inoculation program
The effect of stress inoculation program for nurses in psychiatric ward on their job satisfaction [Volume 1, Number 2] |
The Role of Neuroticism / Extraversion Personality Traits in Prediction Academic self-efficacy of medical students [Volume 8, Number 3] |
students' work
Lived experiences nursing managers about the role of students' work in attaining clinical competency newly nurses [Volume 7, Number 1] |
subjective occupational success
Indirect impact of openness to experience and job performance of nurses: mediations of proactive personality, occupational embeddedness and subjective occupational success [Volume 6, Number 3] |
suicidal thoughts
Assessing suicidal ideation frequency in medical students [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Social support systems available to surrogacy commissioning mothers challenge facing infertility centers [Volume 2, Number 4] |
systematic review
unfinished nursing care and its causes in Iran: a systematic review [Volume 13, Number 2] |
teaching hospital
Assessment tendency of clinical nurses to leave the profession: a case study [Volume 2, Number 4] |
tendency to remain
Relationship between ethical climate and the intention to remain in clinical nurses [Volume 3, Number 1] |
test anxiety
Test anxiety and academic performance in female nursing students [Volume 1, Number 1] |
the association between sleep quality and stress coping strategies among e
The relationship between sleep quality and stress coping strategies among emergency nurses in hospitals affiliated to the Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 10, Number 2] |
the female nurses of Assaliyan Hospital.
The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on the Responsibility of Nurses in Assaliyan Hospital: The Mediating Role of Organizational Socialization (Structural Equation Modeling) [Volume 10, Number 3] |
third trimester
Assessing health care providers' views in health centers about barriers to the implementation of maternal care package in the third trimester: case study [Volume 2, Number 3] |
training plan
The Effectiveness of resilience training program on improving nursesʼ quality of life [Volume 5, Number 3] |
transformational leadership style
Relationship between nurse managers’ emotional intelligence and their transformational leadership styles [Volume 1, Number 2] |
transition process
Nurse managers' strategies for facilitating transition process newly nurses to clinical nurses [Volume 4, Number 2] |
turnover intention
The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Nurses' turnover intention: Employer Branding, Job engagement and Organizational Commitment Mediating Role [Volume 8, Number 2] |
turnover intention
Turnover Intention of Nurses in the outbreak of COVID-19: The Role of Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction and Burnout [Volume 10, Number 1] |
type 2 diabetes.
Investigating the role of difficulty in emotion regulation, Distress Tolerance and perceived stress in predicting treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 11, Number 3] |
uncertainty in decision-making.
Relationship between uncertainty in decision-making and job characteristics among nurse managers [Volume 4, Number 1] |
The nursess viewpoint in color of nursing uniform [Volume 3, Number 4] |
verbal abuse
Assessing frequency and causes of verbal abuse against the clinical staff [Volume 1, Number 2] |
will-being nurses
The Effect of Spirituality Workplace on Work Engagement with the Mediation of Will-being Nurses) Case study:Pasargad Hospital) [Volume 8, Number 2] |
work engagement
Predicting nurses' work engagement based on innovative organizational climate, perceived organizational support and servant leadership [Volume 7, Number 1] |
work engagement
The effect of psychological capital on work engagement with mediating role of work -family conflict among nurses [Volume 6, Number 1] |
work environment
Self-compassion in critical care nurses [Volume 5, Number 2] |
work force
Model for retention of medical specialists in less developed provinces and deprived areas [Volume 10, Number 1] |
work-family conflict
The relationship between cognitive and metacognitive skills and work-family conflict in nurses [Volume 9, Number 3] |
workforce retention
Factors affecting the availability of the nursing workforce: a conceptual overview [Volume 13, Number 1] |
workplace incivility
Relationship between nurses’ work engagement, structural empowerment, and workplace incivility [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Job performance.
Investigating the Relationship between Burnout and Job Performance in the Corona Epidemic from the Perspective of Nurses [Volume 9, Number 4] |